Sunday, February 04, 2007

Less than 10 minutes to post...

I've spent the last 3 days learning the ropes around the Curtain Call Dinner Theatre, training as a busboy. It's been hectic, tumultuous, but the last day I was there, yesterday, was my best day on the job. As well as that went, the busboy who was showing me around didn't tip me out. Ah well, I'll remember that, Mr. Coy.

I'm going to try learning some more Muse songs at some point. I've just gone through a website looking at the different tabs. Well, it's better than nothing.

I'll be waiting for the day that the next shifts I'll be taking will be on the Curtain Call website, so I will know when I'll be going back into work. Right now I'll relish the fact that I don't have much to do for a few days.

Well except for maybe looking for a job... something more to round out my schedule.