Sunday, January 21, 2007

Get yourself together...

In Tustin Ranch...

I'm looking for work now around here, and might have some options around Tustin:
  • Lonely Bean
  • Peet's Coffee
  • Trader Joes
  • a dinner theatre
Currently, I'm residing in my grandfather's place with my mom. It's slightly uncomfortable, what with the itching and the allergies, but I'm making do with what we have.

Some more pictures from Barcelona, then I guess.

Here we have... some kids from the hostel! I guess it's a German girl, then a guy from Idaho?, maybe. Then the Italian doctor who likes Radiohead, then Molly, the Texan, who's going for being a chiropractor.

And me somewhere, smoking, behind the camera. Fun times, indeed.

You will paint yourself white and fill it up with noise...

I've got a cheshire cat grin in uncomfortable social situations. That or I completely retreat to somewhere where I'm somewhat comfortable. It happens still. I was a lot more sociable previous to today, but oh well, today looked to be pretty crummy, honestly. Steph has been a good person to talk to, but things with my mum and Same here, but I guess I still want to make sure she's alright before she goes on to whatever....

I mean honestly, I've been helping her out a lot. Now she's gotta figure it out for herself.

Get yourself together, let the light pour in...

And me, I trimmed my hair with a razor, took off the facial hair, and am ready to go for a job. For the most part... Anyway, I'm more chilled a person now... And I can now chill out with people and a ciggie. So how's that for social development?

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