Wednesday, July 26, 2006

hit the mark

i hit the mark
but i missed the point
leave a message
we'll talk about it later
we can miss the points together
as long as we can hit the mark
what's the point of this song?
i think i missed the point

oh no no no

i'm grinning at the thought
but you're nodding downward
you're leaving me
i'm going to cry cry cry
you'll laugh laugh laugh
isn't that what love's about
laughing at the other person
and getting off on their misery

i missed the point
i missed the mark
i missed the gaping spoilers
i missed everything
and now i'm doomed
doomed doomed doomed
doomed to this
doomed to nothing

what the fuck was i talking about?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me alot of my blogs. This is a very good thing. Our minds are very alike from what I am reading. Good show.